High Speed 2 (HS2), the company delivering the new high-speed rail network in the UK, is set to leverage advanced 4D learning technology to improve safety at construction sites.

The Cloud-based SafetiBase 4D technology will enable the workers to identify challenges and potential hazards of a worksite in a virtual environment.

The technology is developed by main works contractor Balfour Beatty VINCI (BBV) and software developer 3D Repo.

It involves workers entering a Mission Room that creates a four-dimensional, 360º virtual version of a BBV construction site on HS2’s Area North route.

Workers can use this to identify, record and resolve site hazards as part of a virtual construction sequence evaluation and training.

In the virtual build sequence, the teams can also tag hazards at a specific place and time, as well as access its history and latest updates.

HS2 senior innovation manager Dr David Rogers said: “HS2 places a high priority on caring for our workforce and creating an environment where no one gets injured. This technological innovation has huge potential to improve safety on the project.

“Immersing teams in a 4D virtual site enables them to examine the task and, not only tag hazards but hopefully eliminate them before they arrive on-site, driving a virtuous circle improving safety and boosting productivity.”